
-Confidence is everything-

I’m just doing writing to ramble a little. I have noticed a lot of times when I speak to women regrading a cuckold-based relationship, I find myself asking relatively the same question. I don’t know for sure if it’s a good question that builds rapport or if it’s just my mind subconsciously trying to sexualize the conversation. I’ve had times where i have been able to turn talks about, kittens, refrigerators, electrical appliances, permanent makers, futons, 1$ plastic cups at the dollar store, and one notable time, liquid nitrogen into a sexual cuckold-based discussion. I seem to ask the question along the lines of:

  1. How much experience in a non-tradition relationship do you have
  2. Have you ever met a cuck minded person before
  3. Do you have any social friends that indulge in any open sexual style play?
    (The word “Indulging” is an amazing word that we need to utilize more!)

You typically will get a fair number of repeating answers to these questions. Must have some experience in the Dom male/sub female, BDSM, open/polytype. These are the women who have had some form of sexual relationship where there was a power exchange dynamic and/or they had an arrangement where one or both could engage sexually with others with predetermined boundaries set. Of course, like most stories I’ve read about the open/poly read, it’s usually the woman with a man who finds a woman to be with her.

Because the more sexual options a man feels he has will make him not want to share in open/poly activities she will always want to find a third male equal or better in status than him( hypergamy) or that he will spend the majority of the time the third party to another woman. Why do you think most people have never heard the term “Cuckquean” before? Must stories involving a couple in the open/poly world is mainly her with a woman or her with another man. Must articles/writings always make the reason why he supports her or how he hasn’t found a woman yet but we’re looking?

They always try to compare liking BDSM/open/poly to me enjoying being a cuck. They read either my writings or I speak to them negatively about wanting to be a cuck. They always say that they are more open about what they want or that I shouldn’t think to much about it, if it’s something you enjoy does it.
Wanting to be a cuck (to my degree of cuckolding) is massively different than BDSM/open/poly relationship in terms of social conditioning, sexuality, intimacy, communication, self-image, gender norms, and just basic health human connection.

I woman who seeks specifically a sub-cuckold style relationship does compromise really any of her self-respect, confidence, social mockery, and ability to form a healthy romantic partnership down the road. She can tell her friends she enjoys being spanked, dominating men, black men, and being submissive, and how she lets her partner play with other women. All of these things won’t forever change the way her friends see her, limit how options of men to form relationships with, affect her mentally, emotionally, and financially from bonding with her friends or find a meaningful intimate partnership. They fall in the realm of female-based gender ideas and socially accepted norms.
Now take wanting to be a passive sub

cuckold, yes in the cuck porn sense. If you’re a woman reading this you probably haven’t taken 10 mins of your life to look into it. ) Not in the sense where somehow women still make you the one to make all the decisions and call all the shots.

Men have to deal with rejection on an entirely different level. Women will get depressed when they don’t get approached enough. We’re taught that we have to play a numbers game. We’re expected to approach woman after woman, get rejected to our face, not let it affect us on any personal level, and continue on to the next woman until we find someone who’s game.

We can’t let the rejections affect our ego at all, no cracks in our armor are allowed. Because the number one thing a guy has to have is CONFIDENCE. Got to have confidence bro. Don’t let women get you down, there’s another one out there. It’s to the point where I want to call it confidence-shaming.
So, to a point, you have to develop sociopathic tendencies and kill your sense of empathy so you can maintain your ego. That’s what it takes to not give a shit about the women who reject you. And that has consequences.” How easily you can make a woman feel uncomfortable just by existing.

I wish there was a way to know that a relationship like this last. That a cuck doesn’t have to worry about finding love and happiness after a relationship ends because she got tried of cuckold thing or that she just wanted you to be normal and have normal vanilla sex with her but you can’t perform. Or maybe she decides to pursue love with one of the men we invited in. There are so many ways that I could end badly especially for the cuck but at the end of the day life still goes on, being a cuck or not. You still must get up and work and pay bills. Hope is the only thing that will be left after. Hope that you can find another woman and start over. You still have to not let it phrase you in anyway and keep the same level of confidence if you’re ever going to find another woman again. Because confidence is everything for a man.

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