The obsession with sacrifice –

Is She “OK” with your Sacrifice or does she “WANT” your sacrifice- Being “ok” with it and being turned on by it are NOT the same

I have gotten asked to many times why do I even like this if it causes me pain in my everyday life. and the answer is I'm simply addicted to the pain. 

The more uncomfortable you are the closer you feel “

I have always seemed to at times put my cuck/sub desires ahead of all else. It may come from some delusional sense of sexual fulfillment or from a conditional idea of placing a single woman in the placement of my quest to find a more meaningful purpose than just making an income and paying bills. I find myself probably like many others trying desperately to make excuses for women I know that I (or them) could never truly feel an emotional connection with. Just like substance abuse, you try to only focus on how the drug makes you feel, never on the long-term consequences of temporary pleasure.

You Give in order to keep giving”
The unthinkable because purpose

I have had many times where I wasn’t physically/emotionally committed to a couple or a woman but was aroused enough by the cuckold dynamic that I didn’t care not one bit. I have had women I was emotionally invested in, but in many cases, they weren’t able to see Mr. Cleanup as a valuable life partner. Especially, if she knows you as just another cuck even before the first date. Your going to start at the bottom of her mind and have to work your way up even more so than other men she has dated. . We forget about the real underlining factors that affect a healthy connection in order to fulfill our own sexual influences.

Pain is a drug for cucks- Also a driving force

We put aside body type, Behavior, marriages/kids, financial agendas etc.. just to fulfill that mental stimulant. We all subconsciously know that seeking just sexual fulfillment isn’t going to make us happy, but god will we spend every dime we have seeking it. How many of us just want another person to understand us without them having an alternative motive hiding behind their sincerity. The human mind is a chemically selfish entity that relies on our own conditioned desires to make whatever justifications we need to make, to make us feel better about ourselves.